Friday, March 6, 2020

QC1 U8 IPA interpersonal speaking

QC1 U8 IPA interpersonal speaking nombre__________________________

  1. Miramos los videos:

  1. Hablamos en grupos. Discuss each question in your groups.
  1. What time do you eat and WHAT do you eat?
    1. breakfast
    2. lunch
    3. Dinner

  2. What do you typically do after dinner during the week?
  3. What is your schedule like on the weekends?
  4. What do you do after dinner on the weekends?
  5. Where do you spend time with your friends?
  6. What do you do with your friends?
  7. How do you get around Moultrie? 
  8. What are your responsibilities at home?

Thursday, February 12, 2015

¡Una rutina diferente! El vocabulario

Spanish 2 - ¡Una rutina diferente! – capítulo 2                                    Go to  for on-line book, Quick pass code: ASD7837c2

1. daily routine
1. la rutina diaria
2. to wake up
2. despertarse
3. to stretch
3. estirarse
4. to get up
4. levantarse
5. to remain
5. quedarse
6. to take a shower
6. tomar una ducha
7. to wash oneself
7. lavarse
8. to brush
8. cepillarse
9. to comb one's hair
9. peinarse
10. to look at oneself
10. mirarse
11. to sit down
11. sentarse
12. to go to bed
12. acostarse
13. to fall asleep
13. dormirse
14. to put on
14. ponerse
15. to take off
15. quitarse
16. to call oneself
16. llamarse
17. mirror
17. el espejo
18. shampoo
18. el champú
19. brush
19. el cepillo
20. comb
20. el peine
21. toothbrush
21. el cepillo de dientes
22. tube of toothpaste
22. el tubo de crema dental
23. bar of soap
23. la barra de jabón
24. roll of toilet paper
24. el rollo de papel higiénico
25. human body
25. el cuerpo humano
26. head
26. la cabeza
27. teeth
27. los dientes
28. back
28. la espalda
29. arm
29. el brazo
30. elbow
30. el codo
31. finger
31. el dedo
32. knee
32. la rodilla
33. leg
33. la pierna
34. foot
34. el pie
35. park
35. el parque
36. camping
36. el camping
37. tent
37. la carpa
38. sleeping bag
38. el saco de dormir
39. backpacker
39. el mochilero
40. to go camping
40. ir de camping
41. to put up
41. montar
42. to take a hike
42. dar una caminata
43. to have a good time
43. divertirse
44. right
44. derecho
45. left
45. izquierdo
46. early riser
46. el madrugador
47. sweater
47. el suéter
48. to be cold
48. tener frío
49. please
49. favor de + infinitive
50. here
50. acá
51. I'm coming!
51. ¡Ya voy!